Achiltibuie Trout Fishing

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Trout Fishing Achiltibuie, Scotland

Achiltibuie looks out over the Summer Isles to the west with the mountains of the Coigach behind, and some fine trout lochs, from Sionascaig to the north east to the smaller lochs of the Rhu Mor in the western peninsula, all containing hard fighting wild brownies.

The maps on this website have been reproduced with the permission of Collins Bartholomew.

Please note that these maps may date back several decades. Much of the human detail will have changed but the character of the rivers and lochs, and the trout and salmon in them, will be much the same as they have always been.

In addition to the information provided here, I would recommend that anyone planning a fishing or walking trip in Scotland should equip themselves with a compass and the appropriate Ordnance Survey map. The most useful of the O.S. maps for the fisherman is the Landranger series, scale 1:50,000. For each of the lochs and rivers listed here, I have given the relevant O.S. Map number. See Ordnance Survey Maps

Loch Bad a Ghaill, Achiltibuie

Trout fishing Sutherland

Book - Sea Trout Nights


HMH Tube Fly Tool




Grays of Kilsyth

Salmon Flies

Trout Flies

Fly Fishing Knots

Salmon Fishing Scotland

Trout Fishing Scotland

Sea Trout Fishing

Sea Trout Flies

Tube Flies

The Tube Fly Shop

 Salmon Spinhead
 Slim stainless steel salmon and sea trout flies



Achiltibuie, Wester Ross - Fishing Map

trout fishing, Achiltibuie

click on map to select an area to enlarge

Achiltibuie - Trout Fishing Lochs

The table below lists a few of the main trout lochs in the Achiltibuie area with location maps

The Coigach hill lochs lie behind Achiltibuie. Those prepeared to hike up the hill are likely to be rewarded with a basket of small brown trout. Enquire, Summer Isles Hotel, Achiltibuie. tel: 01854 622282. Boats may also be booked at the hotel for sea trout fishing on loch Osgaig.

In the west Coigach lie the lochs Vatachan, Raa, Beiste, Creige Duibhe, Dornie, Totaig among others. Enquiries should be directed to Coigach Craft Shop (tel: 01854 622346)  or Badentarbet Lodge (tel: 01854 622225), which also sell day tickets for the salmon and sea trout fishing on the River Garvie and Garvie Loch.

Loch Bhattachan

Loch Raa

Loch Bhattachan

Loch Raa


Loch Oskaig

Loch Oskaig and River Garvie

Loch Owskeich (Osgaig)

River Garvie Outflow


River and Loch Garvie

Loch Bad a Ghaill

River and Loch Garvie

Loch Bad a Ghaill

Permits for the following lochs are available from the Inverpolly Estate Office, Inverpolly, tel: 01854 622452

Loch Lurgainn - a long, dour, windy loch offering good fishing on its day, for traditional brown trout and ferox trout. Boat and bank fishing

Loch Bad a'Ghaill - Similar fishing to Loch Lurgainn, with the possibility of a salmon or sea trout from July.

Green Loch - A small loch linking Lochs Lurgainn and Bad a'Ghaill. Can be entered by boat at high water levels but normally fished from the bank.

Loch Sionascaig - A large loch with brown trout and some large ferox trout. Bird sanctuaries on the islands. Boat or bank fishing.

Black Loch - An accessible loch with lots of small brown trout. Boat and bank fishing.

Polly Lochs - Easy to access, with good fishing and some large trout. Salmon and sea trout present later in the season. Boat and bank fishing.

Loch Doire na h'Airbhe - A hard walk in but worth the effort. Bank fishing, fly only.

Loch Lurgain trout fishing

Trout fishing Achiltibuie



Halkirk ] Lybster ] Melvich ] Forsinard ] Bettyhill ] Tongue ] Altnaharra ] Durness ] Rhiconich ] Scourie ] Lochinver ] Assynt ] Elphin ] [ Achiltibuie ] Ullapool ] Aultbea ] Poolewe ] Gairloch ] Kinlochewe ] Shieldaig ] Applecross ] Lochalsh ] Arisaig ] Ardnamurchan ] Morvern ] Fort William ] Glengarry ] Glenmoriston ] Lairg ] Strathpeffer ]

Trout and Salmon Fishing